Tag: NES
Chinavision's solar-powered MP4 player and Nintendo emulator, for the eco-friendly software pirate
Don’t go killing the planet while playing pirated old Nintendo games!
The Mobile Power Station is being sold as a nice little media player, only, thanks to the Chinese and their total lack of respect for international copyright agreements, it comes with NES, Game Boy and Game Boy Colour emulators pre-installed by the kindly factory workers.

Massive NES controller, demands loving hands of BFG, likes moonlit walks on beaches…
The Nintendo mods are flying thick and fast, with a huge NES controller containing the console inside accompanying the tempting Familator we saw earlier.
Take a look above for…
Chinavasion worries not about copyright laws – its CVASQ-C811 PMP plays *everything*
This could well be your next new thing to put in your pocket if it’s half as good as promised, thanks to built-in emulator support for the NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Colour and even SEGA’s legendary Mega Drive.
The controller bit there also doubles as the unit’s docking station…
Mod of the year week: portable NES
We only changed it from the mod of the year to the mod of the week, as history dictates that Ninty fanboys will one day manage to create a personal Shigeru Miyamoto clone, shrunk down to pocket-size, who can guide you through impossible levels like the last castle in New Super Mario Bros., all the while yelling out words of encouragement such as “Itsa me, Mario!”
Whoever modded this NES into a handheld module no doubt has a GBA and even a DS. Heck, I bet he has all of Nintendo’s handhelds…
iPhone hack gives NES Emulator: Super Mario Bros here we come!
The latest in an increasing number of iPhone hacks is a pretty cool one: an NES Emulator.
Forget proof of concept “Hello World” applications – they’re useful but boring. This application, which works on any “Jailbreak” (hacked) iPhone, allows you to play complete NES games, including Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda, just a little slower than an actual NES console or a standard emulator.
Now someone has knitted an NES games console
Knitting is the new gaming: you can do it sitting down, it requires fast reflexes and good hand-eye co-ordination, and and it makes your fingers bleed if you carry on too long. Oh, and if you think Manhunt 2 is violent, you should see a pack of grannies fighting over a dropped ball of wool…
Man releases album – on a NES cartridge
He’s decided to release his latest collection of bleepy, distorted work on a NES cartridge, which is your in exchange for $22.
You can see a YouTube preview of the NES interface here…
Nintendo NES Universal TV Remote
In the spirit of the day (December 8th, the day the Wii hits) I felt it was necessary for a cool Nintendo-themed gadget post, and they don't come any cooler than this.