Tag: NSA
German government blocks contracts for firms involved in the NSA scandal
It has emerged that it isn't just the Chinese government that is wary of American companies following the NSA revelations – the German government has also made similar moves to block companies linked to the NSA from German government IT…
Jimmy Wales says he'd go "ballistic" if NSA tried to gain backdoor into his new mobile operator
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has told TechDigest that he will go "ballistic" if the NSA try to gain backdoor access into The People's Operator, the new mobile phone network that it has just been announced Wales will become co-chair of….
Microsoft ready to fight NSA if it requests access to Xbox One Kinect
Microsoft have stated that it will "aggressively" challenge any requests made by the NSA to access the Redmond company's forthcoming Xbox One and its connected Kinect sensor. The next-gen Microsoft console had already raised concerns over privacy issues when the…