Tag: o2
Palm Pixi due in three weeks?
Usually reliable blog The Boy Genius Report is reporting that Palm has set October 20th as the date for the launch of its second WEB OS device the Pixi. Of course that's US launch rather than UK one. We are…
Apple iPhone goes Orange – the top five conspiracy theories
Apple obviously wants to end its exclusive deal with AT&Tin the US. So it is using the UK as a test bed to see how non-exclusivity deals works in mature smartphone markets.
Orange gets the iPhone – official
There has been a great deal of speculation in previous months that the network was going to get the iPhone. It already offers the Apple handset in 28 countries. It will go on sale very soon
This week's top five tech movers – Giffgaff, Voda and a surprise at #1
Well we have a surprise at number one and a very interesting start up doing well. And see if you can guess which mobile phone network is this week's biggest loser?
Opinion: Why the iPhone might just be killing O2's reputation
O2 is getting a hammering on Twitter. And that's not just the view of a group of iPhone owners in my local (or some unhappy bloggers) but the main headline in a report published by media company Kaizo.
Palm Pre for the UK finally confirmed. On sale via O2 from October 16th
The device is free to O2 customers taking out a 24-month contract and to customers taking an 18-month contract at £44.05 or £73.41 per month.
Britain gets a new mobile phone network – giffgaff
Web only, SIM cards but not handsets and driven by an online community – sounds intriguing
Palm announces Pixi – but bet we don't see it in the UK
The phone itself is a chocolate bar style handset that is apparently Palm's thinnest so far. Its feature line up – two mega pixel camera, Bluetooth, 3.5mm headphones socket, 2.63inch touch screen – suggest this is aimed more at consumers rather than corporates. It does however keep the full QWERTY keypad of the Pre.
Palm Pre and O2 get officially exclusive
This morning heralds the news we’ve known about since last week that O2 and its Telefonica buddies across Europe have snaffled up the Palm Pre as an exclusive. The much, much awaited smartypantsphone will come to the UK, Spain, Ireland and Germany first when “the device is launched in Europe in time for the winter holidays” according to the press release, which doesn’t make it sound like we’ll be getting a look at the Pre any time soon.
In the mean time, if you want to sign your life away to all things Palm then register your e-mail address, bank details and retinal eye patterns here. If instead you’d like to get annoyed at O2 for taking all the decent handsets, then you can go here.
Is O2 the only place for smartphone users?
O2 has little need to worry about quality of service when they snap up the two hottest smartphones on the market. I’ve been using an iPhone 3GS for a few weeks – it’s review model I’m praying Apple will forget about – and, aside all the minor issues one might have with it, the one real problem is that it’s stuck on O2, unless you’re happy to spend £900.
I found myself asking the question of whether it was worth it; whether I could stomach this very expensive, exquisite handset when the network drops more of my calls than any other I’ve ever used, and that’s the middle of London?
So, I’ll try the Palm Pre before I make up my mind, I think, but yesterday I, and many others, have been stumped with the unofficial news that O2 has won/paid over the odds for exclusive rights to that smartphone too. And the Pre isn’t just any smartphone. For many, it’s the only serious competitor there’s been in the last two years to the iPhone.
It kills me because I’ve still never actually had my hands on one but I’m lead to believe that the screen is just as much a joy as the Jesus Phone and that all its wonderfully usable Palm OS and open sourcery goodness are enough to make any tech nerd weak at the knees.
It’s hard to tell whether the Pre is going to have the same mass market appeal as the iPhone – I suspect it won’t – but the point is that that’s not something O2 is going to have to worry about when throwing money at the problem, money that might better be spent invest in the quality of their network such that people in rural Scotland and Wales can actually get a signal.
Worse still for the consumer is that we’re all now going to get ripped off on the Pre. O2 can’t possibly sell it for any less than the iPhone without causing major waves from Apple HQ and I’m quite surprised that Palm is going to let that stand given that it’s the kind of move that could bury the Pre in the UK. But that’s their choice. Where does it leave us, the UK consumer? Are we still going to have to pick up sticks and trudge on over to O2 to get a serious smartphone?
Well, my first instinct is – no, of course not, but thinking about it, I’m not so sure. The serious smartphones out there, the super smartphones, the top notch devices are the iPhone, the Pre, the HTC Magic, HTC Hero and the Nokia N97. I haven’t included the TG01 or the G1 because the latter has a battery life too poor to be a real option and the former is, as yet, to be announced, let alone have anyone actually touch it.
I’ve had my fingers on four out of that five and, if I’m hearing that the Pre is like the iPhone for UI, then I’m calling it five. The Magic, the Hero and the N97 just don’t compare for touchscreen interfaces. Take my word for it if you haven’t tried them. They just don’t and, for me, that’s the key to enjoying a smartphone. I don’t care how many profound functions it has or just how well it synchronises your Twitter, Facebook and phone book contacts. If it’s a pain in the arse to use, it’s impossible to learn to love it.
That said, the the Magic, Hero and N97 are a lot more responsive than any other touchscreen phone aside O2’s exclusives. They certainly outrank anything I’ve seen from the pseudo-smarts like the LG Viewty and Arena. The trouble is that if you’re really serious about your smartphones, if having a pocket computer is of paramount importance to you, if you want the best, then sadly, it seems like O2 is the only place to be.
I absolutely loathe the business model they’re employing to become the biggest provider in the UK. I have no particular love for their main rivals, Vodafone, but at least you can get a decent signal with them. At least they don’t drop calls by the dozen, at least they don’t charge a premium for their very best handsets and at least they haven’t ripped anyone off on issues like tethering.
There’s an excellent chance I’ll be defecting to O2 in the next few months. I don’t want a good smartphone. I want a great one and I’m prepared to put up with a lousy network for it. All I can hope is that the Digital Britain powers that be start putting some serious pressure on O2 to invest in their infrastructure or that their business model falls in on itself and the other networks get to pick up the pieces as well as the nest of the handsets. Neither are particularly likely but one can dream. Instead, I’ll take solus from jailbreaking whichever handset I opt for, tethering it at my convenience and bleeding O2 of as much free high speed data as I can.