Tag: Olympics
Hate the 2012 London Olympics logo? Boycott it with Ben Way's help
Around Shiny Towers we love 26-year-old entrepreneur Ben Way something silly, and it’s not just because we used to share an office with him. No, it’s for his great schemes, like this new un’ he launched via Facebook today.
We already know how horrible the Lisa-Simpson-performing-fellatio-esque 2012 London Olympics logo is, but Ben hates it for a different reason – because of the sponsors, Lloyds TSB being one of them. He is pledging £1 of his own money (he was a millionaire at 15, so can definitely afford it), for every person who signs up via…
Now the London 2012 Olympics logo is causing epileptic seizures…
Kat’s already had her say about the London 2012 logo, which has been commonly acclaimed as a design that would’ve been better left as a 1980s MTV channel ident. But now things have gone from bad to worse for the poor logo.
Moblogging puts everyone in a foul mood for the upcoming 2012 London Olympics
Our pink-laden sister in the know, Shiny Shiny, has let it slip that this is the official logo for the 2012 London Olympics. Oh. My. Goodness. I can’t decide whether it reminds me of the costume I wore to a bad ’80s party recently, or, as a commenter on Shiny Shiny stated, (which I can’t not think about when I look at the logo), Lisa Simpson performing fellatio…