DivX technology extended to PS3 game developers

div-x-logo.jpgDivX support has been on the PS3 for a good old while now. Combined with the DNLA media server networking and its excellent upscaling, the only way it could be better at supporting the scurvy arts is to include a copy of BitComet in the next firmware update.

Sony is presumably not just after DivX capabilities to simplify the process of watching illegally distributed video content (although we are extremely thankful for it) and so it’s high time that the technology was extended to further uses. To that end, DivX has just announced that the video encoding system is now available for PS3 game developers as well…

Sony declares PS3 victory in Europe

Thumbnail image for ps3-8.jpg

Speaking at Sony’s PlayStation Day event yesterday, SCEE’s David Reeves revealed that the PS3 has now outsold Microsoft’s Xbox 360 in Europe. This means that the console – which once laboured under a difficult and delayed launch, a killer price tag and a practically non-existent games line-up – has passed a very important milestone…