Swedish kids embarrassed by dirty dads' online habits… mums too


Children in Sweden are embarrassed and concerned about what their parents get up to on the Internet, according to a report from the Barnens Rätt i Samhället (Children’s Rights in Society) organisation.

A common concern is that of dads who spend their time on porn sites, or who flirt (or worse) in chat rooms.

“I read his MSN conversation log. I was just curious. And then I saw that he was talking to, like, young girls. And the disgusting part is that he’s 53!” said one teenage boy…

Japanese man manages 780,000 porn hits in nine months – earns himself a demotion


A keen pornography fan in Japan managed to rack up a sensational 780,000 hits for various types of porn in the space of nine months – while he was at work.

The unnamed – but heroic and hard-working – Kinokawa city government employee was demoted when officials discovered his habit and examined the data logs, discovering the 780,000 offending hits. We’re not sure what definition of “hits” they’re using here, but he still clearly…

Fancy streaming web TV and radio on your Archos PMP? Or downloading porn? Now you can…


In addition to yesterday’s In-Car Holder GPS unit for the 605 WiFi, Archos announced a couple of other additions to their popular PMP, including a firmware update allowing for Adobe Flash Player 9 support, Windows Media Video 9 compatibility, a plug-in enabling access to Web TV shows and radio stations, an update to Archos TV+, and a content distribution deal with Paramount Pictures and Deutsche Welle. Phew!

Touting their 605 WiFi and 705 WiFi models as being the market’s only PMP supporting Adobe Flash Player 9, the upgrade for both that and WMV 9 can be downloaded for free if you already own one, however if you buy one now, you’ll find it’s automatically loaded with the update. These two supported…