UK government ‘demands access to Apple users’ encrypted data’, Google Pixel 9a details leak

British security officials have demanded “backdoor” access to Apple users’ encrypted data as part of their efforts to combat child abuse, terrorism and other illegal activities online, it has been reported in the US. Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, issued an order last month requiring the capability to retrieve the fully encrypted content of any user, according to the Washington…

Porsche raging against London Congestion Charge – sets up web site to FIGHT THE POWER

porsche-judicial-enquiry-congestion-charge-london.jpgNo doubt with half a mind on the masses of Porsche Cayennes currently cruising between Starbucks and Wagamamas over in fashionable West London, Porsche has called for an official judicial review of recently announce changes to London’s Congestion Charge.

“Gas guzzling” cars – like, say, the ludicrous Porsche cayenne, which is the stupidest car to ever drive within 50 miles of London – will be hit by a new £25 charge from this October, a tax intensified by London Mayor Ken Livingstone’s removal of the exemption for people who live inside the C-Charge zone…