Creative to roll out art-inspired ZEN Mozaic media players


Elegance, simplicity, functionality, subtlety. These are words that you might use to describe a certainly overwhelming popular portable music player. That poses a problem for rival manufacturers who now have to slash a few of those adjectives off their list or risk just being complete clones.

Creative has the spirit though, it’s eschewed elegance and subtlety in favour of a new bold, tiled design obviously inspired either by the Dorchester Roman town house or the sight of a chess board falling into a Battenberg cake mix. Creative wouldn’t be the first though.

Philips announces their GoGear SA52 PMP with 4GB capacity

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Apologies, this is turning into a Philips-themed day!

The company has just announced the GoGear SA52 PMP, which plays MP3, WMA and AAC music files, along with WMV video. With 4GB of storage and a 2.8″ QVGA LCD display, it also features some controversial audio ‘upscaling’, where the Digital Signal Processor adds ‘quality’ to the compressed audio tracks.

I’m always hesitant to recommend products that enhance…