HubDub launches in the UK – make money betting on the news


Fancy a bet on news events, but aren’t keen on losing cold hard cash in these tough economic times? HubDub’s what you need. The fake-money news-betting site has been going strong in the US since February this year, but given that they’re based in Edinburgh, it was only a matter of time before they expanded to the UK.

The site’s live right now, and you can bet virtual Hubdub dollars on the outcome of such important factors as who’s going to get Christmas #1, whether Laura White from X-Factor will make a comeback, or who the next Dr Who will be. There’s slightly more high-brow questions too, like whether inflation will hit 6% by the year’s end or who’ll win the next election in the UK…

Wi-Fi hotspots are "telephone boxes of the broadband era" claims Ericsson exec


Mobile broadband offerings are growing at such a rapid pace, and becoming affordable enough to make Wi-Fi hotspots irrelevant, according to Ericsson’s Chief Marketing Officer, Johan Bergendahl.

“Hotspots at places like Starbucks are becoming the telephone boxes of the broadband era,” he claimed at a recent conference in Stockholm.

Quite a different viewpoint from the likes of Apple, then, whose latest offerings — the iPhone and MacBook Air — rely heavily on the availability of Wi-Fi to perform at their best…