Metal Gear Online beta test coming to Europe – next week. And free


Sony releases its revamped PlayStation Store next week, and there’ll be one quite HUGE surprise waiting to be downloaded – a free beta test version of Metal Gear Online.

Not to be confused with the imminent Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online is an entirely new and separate game for PS3. It’s online. As you might have guessed. It’s entirely multiplayer. It’s going to get PS3 owners excited…

PS3 firmware upgrade 2.3 will give DTS-HD Master Audio support, hurrah!


It’s official – the PS3 is now the best Blu-ray player you could throw your money at, and one of the cheapest too, at £299.99.

Sony has just announced the PS3 now has DTS-HD Master Audio support, which is one of the highest resolution audio formats for films, with Dolby TrueHD being the only other contender. Support for that format, and DTS-HD High Resolution, will become available in the latest firmware upgrade, version 2.3, due out on April the 15th.

Most new Blu-ray players can output DTS-HD MA, however only a small amount of AV receivers can actually decode it. The popular (amongst audiophiles) format gives the user a 7.1 audio channel, which is as close as you’ll get to the original studio master. The update will output all 7.1 channels via HDMI,…

Sony gearing up to relaunch old-gen features on PS3 in US, Europe still waiting


Sony is bracing North America for the arrival of its bleeding edge new technology, the rumbling AND motion sensing DualShock 3 controller. The very notion was once thought so far beyond the realms of possibility that it must be an affront to God Himself. And so we were left to make do with the SIXAXIS, which detects motion only.

Then of course Nintendo create the Wii remote. Not only does it manage far more impressive feats of motion detecting, but it vibrates and it even has a speaker in it. Sony turned out be telling a few porky pies about combining SIXAXIS motion detection with old-school DualShock rumbling. Thus the DualShock3 was born…

Rockstar announces online Social Club for GTA IV


Thanks to Xbox Live’s Achievements, being able to keep track of your friend’s scores online is what we’ve come to expect from modern games. But with GTA IV being released on both PS3 and Xbox 360, each individual’s closed systems make it difficult to keep track of how your friends are doing if they own a different console. Therefore Rockstar has invented a work around – the Rockstar Social Club…