Tag: ps3
Games Roundup: today's key Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 stories
From Xboxer: Pink and blue Xbox 360 controllers out today, £32.99 each.
From WiiWii: Will Wright, creator of…
Games Roundup: today's key Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 stories
From WiiWii: Nintendo is launching a 1seg tuner for the DS next week in Japan, allowing TV to be picked up when on the go.
From PSPSPS: Legal loophole in the UK could mean the banned Manhunt 2 could be sold via download through the PlayStation network….
PS3's Gran Turismo 5 to feature downloadable episodes of Top Gear
This is a very odd thing. But the press release appears to be genuine, so we'll do something on it.
Upcoming PlayStation3 racer Gran Turismo 5 will let gamers download episodes of the BBC's boy racer show Top Gear, thanks to a deal between Sony and the Beeb. The game will have a little section called "GT TV" where web-connected PS3s will be able to download the show, along with other content (presumably "user generated") based around the racer.
Here's what it looks like on PS3, so you can imagine it better:
Games Roundup: today's key Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 stories
From WiiWii: The Video Games Live event last night didn’t *quite* go according to plan, as the Harry Potter composer from EA got booed. But at least The Legend of Zelda sounded good! (above)
From Xboxer: Devil May Cry IV is…
Virtual Worlds Week: Top 10 alternatives to Second Life
You’d be forgiven for thinking Second Life is the only virtual world in town, from the acres of press hype in the last year. And there’s no doubt that Linden Lab’s world has deserved many of the plaudits (and fat marketing expenditure) coming its way, having been arguably the first non-gaming virtual world to excite mainstream attention.
But it’s not alone. Industry body Virtual Worlds Management recently estimated that 35 virtual worlds companies had trousered over a billion dollars of investment in the last year (although that research has since been questioned, with some of those companies not actually being involved in virtual worlds, and $700 million of the figure coming from one acquisition).
Games Roundup: today's key Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 stories
From Xboxer.tv: HMV has opened first Gaming Zone arcade in Edinburgh, featuring 27 Xbox 360 consoles playing latest titles, playable in an hour-long session for £3, or £5 for three hours.
From WiiWii.tv: Silent Hill has been…
Messiah's Darklite PS3 DVD/Blu-ray remote
The Darklite remote is a very nice little thing for controlling your PS3 with, if you’ve fallen into Sony’s trap of using it to watch films rather than play games. It has the double excitement of backlit buttons that light up AND a glowing circle, which will mesmerise all who see it.
The receiver unit has to be plugged into PS3, though, which might ruin the lines of your super-minimalist futuristic lounge, but other than that it’s all very pretty.

Korea/Japan Week: Sony reveals Ceramic White 40GB PlayStation3
Hot on the heels of the UK announcement of the newer, lower-spec, 40GB version of PlayStation3 comes this actually-quite-pretty Ceramic White version of Sony’s PS3. But it’s only for Japan at the moment.

It’s also vastly cheaper in Japan, where the 40GB…
PlayStation3 UK price cut confirmed – £349 for 60GB pack, £299 for new 40GB model
And here ends the most long-winded series of rumours in recent internet history.
Sony today announced that from October 10 the standard 60GB PS3 bundle is getting brutally hacked down to £349, with a newer, feature-light model packing a 40GB hard drive appearing alongside it – and going for an almost cheap £299.
Cheaper PlayStation3 IS coming to Europe
It’s been a long, boring old saga this, with the long-rumoured 40GB, cheaper version of PlayStation3 finally appearing in some European advertising materials.
Due to the staggering ineptitude of the photographer and/or his useless phone camera…