Samsung develops technology to use soda-lime bottle glass for LCD panels

samsung-LCD-soda-bottle.jpgSamsung’s gone bankrupt, donncha know? Well why else would they be manufacturing LCD panels using cheap-as-chips soda-lime bottle glass? It can’t produce a crisp, clear image with all those brilliant colours, can it? According to Samsung, it can.

They’ve just shown off a 19″ LCD panel at the FPD International show, and are currently planning to mass produce the…

Sharp retaliates to Toshiba's claims of world's thinnest LCD, by announcing 0.68mm thin screen

sharp-0.2mm-LCD.jpgGee whiz, does Sharp move fast or what! It was only 24 hours ago Andy reported that Toshiba had eclipsed Sharp’s claims of having the world’s thinnest LCD TV, beating them by a crucial 6mm at the thickest part of the screen.

It appears once Sharp caught wind of Toshiba’s claims, they released details of a prototype LCD screen that measures just 0.68mm thick. Yes, that’s under one milimetre thick. How did they do it, you eager, HDTV-hungry readers ask? Well, err, the screen’s just 2.2-inches big. Sadly it’s been designed…

Apple iPod Touch under fire for dodgy screens, battery life


If you’ve been scanning the reports online, you might’ve heard the reports that the iPod Touch’s screen isn’t as good as the iPhone, contrary to expectations. Users have been complaining that it’s particularly noticeable when viewing dark photos or videos.

Well, it seems they weren’t making it up. Apple (via influential Wall Street Journal hack Walt Mossberg) has confirmed that some of the initial batch of iPod Touch devices DID have dodgy screens, and are working to sort the problem out.

Would you tattoo yourself with the Blue Screen of Death?

Now, I like to call myself a bit of a Microsoft fan. But why oh why would you want to tattoo your whole right arm with Windows’ Blue Screen of Death? No Apple fanboy would willingly do this to themselves, so it’s got to be a Microsoft user. I’m a little worried about this man’s sanity, admittedly. Why couldn’t he stick with an anchor and his mum’s name enscripted on his bicep?…