Tag: Security
Google privacy policy updated ahead of new EU rules
Google are streamlining their privacy policy, preparing to establish one privacy policy to rule all their 70+ products, give or take a few for unique legal reasons. Google announcement comes ahead of the EU's planned overhaul of their 17-year…
Pirate Party in Berlin election support surge
The Pirate Party, an independent political group who claim to represent digital rights and civil liberties for file sharers, have gained a landmark 8.9% of votes in the preliminary results of the Berlin local elections. Boasting 12,000 members since forming…
Pentagon lost 24,000 files to hackers in March
Hackers have hit some pretty high-profile targets in the last few months, but perhaps none more worrying than the beating heart of the USA's national defenses, the Pentagon. Deputy Defebse Secretary William Lynn revealed yesterday that the Pentagon suffered one…
Precreate Solutions house-sit your Facebook to keep burglars at bay while you're away
While we've never been all that convinced that leaving your lights on while you go on holiday is the best deterrent against burglars (who needs an expensive energy bill right after shelling out for an exotic week-long break, eh?), we've…
Dropbox glitch leads to logins without password locks
Dropbox allowed a major secuirty flaw to slip into their authorisation system briefly yesterday, allowing users into their accounts without the need to first enter a password, leaving Dropbox fans' cloud stored files vulnerable to those not authorised to access…
Hacker who stole Lady Gaga tracks, XXX Ke$ha pics, jailed
A hacker known by the alias "DJ Stolen" has been given an 18 month sentence in a juvenile detention centre after admitting to stealing songs from Lady Gaga, Leona Lewis and Justin Timberlake among others. The 18-year old German teenager…
PSN back to full health in US and Europe this week with the return of the Store, though not in all of Asia
After a month long security and PR fiasco following the high-profile hack of their online gaming and content distribution system, Sony's PlayStation Network will finally be back to full health by the end of this week, with the PlayStation Store…
Sony hacks continue as Japanese and Greek music sites come under fire
The PS3's PlayStation Network online service may be tentatively being restored to full working order, but Sony's online woes continue as yet more of their services have been attacked this week. The latest targets were the Sony Music Japan and…
PlayStation hack: users urged to change passwords and even cancel credit cards
The PlayStation Network (PSN) has been hacked, Sony has confirmed, exposing the personal details of potentially all its users to hackers. PSN was taken offline last week following an "intrusion", but now Sony has come out and admitted to…
Top 3 FREE computer security tips from Kaspersky Lab's Costin Raiu
This week sees London's Earls Court play host to the InfoSec computer and mobile security conference, where all the major players from the anti-virus and back-up software developing fields come together to tout their wares. We caught up yesterday with…