REVIEW: Captain America: Super Soldier (Xbox 360, PS3)

In the 2011 "Summer of Superheroes" at your local cinema, the big screen Captain America adaptation is arguably the most hotly anticipated of the lot. Veering away from the main plot of the movie to focus on Captain America's earliest missions, Captain America: Super Soldier takes a slightly different tact to other movie-tie ins. Has freedom from the narrative of the movie led to a game better than your average Hollywood cash-in, or is this another super-heroic flop?

SEGA launches marginally disappointing online "casual" gaming portal PlaySEGA


The once-mighty SEGA has nailed its colours to the “Casual, internet” gaming mast, with the launch of PlaySEGA – a little portal rammed with simple games and colourful logos that might just hold the average teenager’s attention long enough for a game to finish downloading.

It’s not just about trading on former glories, PlaySEGA’s got actually NEW stuff on there to play that’s been made specifically for the service, should you, for some odd reason, be tired of slogging through Sonic 2 or Golden Axe on your emulator of choice.

As is fashionable these days, users are encouraged to sign in and create a wacky and possibly zany avatar symbolising their unique personalities, with “Escape Areas” – personal profile pages based around visual…