Tetsuya Mizuguchi of Rez and Lumines creates Virtual Tokyo for Second Life

The other week I mentioned briefly in our Daily Tech Hotlinks that Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the creator of games such as Lumines and Rez, is developing a Virtual Tokyo for Second Life. Anyone familiar with his work will know he’s an UTTER genius and probably deserves the Japanese equivalent of a Knighthood. Which is probably something similar to a special limited edition Hello Kitty figurine or appearance in a hentai cartoon.

Anyway, Famitsu, that gaming bible only the Japanese are privy to, announce recently…

Shiny Video Interview: Kat chats to Richard Warmsley, Head of Internet on the Move at T-Mobile UK

Last Thursday I grabbed a few minutes to chat with Richard Warmsley, Head of Internet on the Move at T-Mobile UK, about their Web ‘n Walk, Music Jukebox and other services available to customers. And also to tease him about his straight-to-the-point job title. Hey, it’s better than Communications Manager, non?…

Hello, Hello Kitty Robo

hello-kitty-robo.jpgIf no one else understands you, Hello Kitty Robo might be able to help. It has a microphone for listening to your crazed whispers, plus, being a dependable robot, it won’t then post all your secrets to the internet.

Kitty has stereo cameras for face recognition, so hopefully it can see when you’re crying and rotate one of its moving arms to attempt something approaching a reassuring hug…

Animated Transformers t-shirts, not quite as cool as *actually* transforming obviously!

Four more days until the Transformers film launches in the UK! Four more days until we can feast our (sadly) mortal eyes on what is definitely the movie of the year! Well, apart from The Simpsons movie, of course. Gaaahhh I can hardly wait!

Pledge your alliance to either the Autobots or Decepticons with these animated t-shirts ($34.99) from the nerd equivalent of Ralph Lauren, Think Geek. Each t-shirt lights up…

Opinion: Free laptop deal looks good

Jon_smal.gifJonathan Weinberg writes…

Let’s face it, who among us is ever going to turn down a free gift – especially when it’s worth up to £500. Well, that’s the prospect facing techno shoppers at Carphone Warehouse, Currys and PC World this week.

You couldn’t have failed to see the ads in the newspapers over the weekend proclaiming the gratis machines in return for signing up to broadband with the likes of Orange and AOL. ‘So where’s the catch?’ I hear you ask. ‘There’s always a catch!’

Well, you’re right, to get the free laptop you are tied into a contract with the firms for two years and yes, the machines aren’t super-spec’d enough to suit most Tech Digest readers. But in terms of getting people interested in technology and onto the interweb superhighway, it has to be good news…