Tag: Skype
Asus and Skype team up to create world's ugliest gadget – the AiGuru SV1 portable videophone
That deformed beast which looks like the remains of three microwaved mobile phones is an AiGuru SV1, the product of an alliance between globally beloved tech-maker Asus and quite loved chat-enabler Skype.
The SV1 is a self-contained video phone, using Skype software and its own little webcam to let users broadcast video calls from wherever there’s a wi-fi signal. In your bathroom, for example. There’s also an Ethernet socket, microphone…
Swype – the next generation of text input
Swype is a ridiculously futuristic-looking technology for inputting text to touchscreens. It’s also unfortunately named. It sounds like it’s been swiped from Skype. Ah well, no matter. You basically swipe/swype your finger over the keyboard, taking in all the letters that are in the word, and it works out which ones you’ve gone over and which words could be made from that combination of letters…
3 Skypephone S2: Redesign ahoy
Now this is nice. 3 launched their new Skypephone yesterday, and wow – I’m impressed. It’s sitting right here in front of me, and this thing looks a lot nicer than the old Skypephone version 1. It’s got lots of brushed aluminium and black plastic, and nice clicky buttons, as well as a very small form factor – it’s 103 x 45 x 14mm…
Nimbuzz – the new big fish in the instant messenger/VoIP pond
I can't keep track of how many of my colleagues and friends use which instant messenger programs and when, and I'm sick of having all those damn applications on my desktop, let alone open all at once. I'd decided to…
Skype launches mobile VoIP app beta, but it won't get you free calls
Skype has released a beta version of its new java based mobile application which provides mobile users with Skype access while out and about…
Skype go monthly: 'unlimited' no contract call packages available and pretty damn cheap too
Isn’t Skype great? Well, not if you’re BT I suppose but for us users free voice and video calls from from computer to computer worldwide is an absolute godsend.
Of course, as nice as they are at Skype, you still have to pay when calling house phones or mobiles but you can always do that on a pay-as-you-go basis at very reasonable rates.
Well, it seems they’ve decided to be even more reasonable and sell monthly packages now too. There’s no long contracts but there are three different “unlimited calls” price bands…
Jaxtr – sort of like a web-based Skype, now with free international texts
Jaxtr totally bypasses your local operator so you’re not at the mercy of your mobile or landline provider any more. Sign up, register your handset, and it’s hello to extremely cheap – and in some cases free – global telephony options.
Jaxtr’s been going since 2007 and has just granted all of its users the chance to send £FREE international text messages. Excitingly, this is one scheme that we’re allowed to join…
VoIP laying waste to spies' phonetapping strategies
The BBC’s Spooks TV drama isn’t realistic. There, I’ve said it. Why not? Well, you never see an investigation where the team sit around their computer lab weeping because a suspect’s using Skype rather than a fixed line or mobile phone.
Skype has finally arrived on the Sony PSP, in firmware update 3.9!
Hey, better rummage around in your loft and find your dusty slim ‘n lite PSP, careful you don’t step on that waffle griddle up there!
Now that you’ve got your once-beloved handheld console from just a few months ago in your hands, crank it up and download…
The PSP Skype microphone and headset combi – finally pictured properly
The excruciatingly slow drip-drip-drip news of the arrival of PSP Skype finally reaches its DRAMATIC CONCLUSION today, with this – an official picture of the mess of cables, headphones, bendy call-centre microphone and little in-line volume controller needed to operate it.
It’s going to get amazingly tangled up. And surely any benefit that comes from being able to make free Skype calls on your PSP will be outweighed by the man-hours invested in untangling all that cabling each time you want to make a call?