Tag: smile
Japanese technology can measure your smile… cheer up!
Possibly a predecessor of the computer which can measure attractiveness, new Japanese technology is able to measure someone’s smile on a scale of nought to 100.
Firstly, video images are scanned to detect faces, and then the computer analyses the curves of the lips, eye movement, and other facial characteristics, to decide how much a person is smiling…
Say cheese! Smile measurement software won't let you look glum…
Omron has announced a new technology called ‘Smile Measurement Software’, which uses 3D face-mapping technology to analyse people’s grins and assign them a smile rating between 0% and 100%, even if they’re not looking directly into the camera at the time.
It’s all done within a 46Kb application, which Omron says is small enough to be embedded inside mobile devices. The most obvious application is digital cameras, to ensure a photo is taken when the subjects are smiling.
Segatoys Dream Cat Smile now has – gulp – a video advertisement. Cue the vom-bags!
Remember that god-awful Segatoys Dream Cat Smile from a few months back, which caused possibly every Dreamcast-owning Sega fan to mourn the downfall of their adored Sega Empire, and join up for another year’s membership of the anti-Sony fanclub?…