Tag: sony ericsson
IFA 07: Sony WALKMAN A and S series – DRM and DRM-free listening
In the midst of telling us about their plans to turn the world HD (stay tuned for video of this for soon!), Sony also found time to launch a colourful new array of WALKMAN Video MP3 players that now include WMA as a supported format and bear the “PlaysForSure” Windows certification logo.
PlayStation Phone – one step nearer reality?
So far Sony’s attached its Cyber-shot and Walkman brands to its Sony Ericsson mobiles, with great success – so surely a PlayStation-badged gaming phone is on the way too?
That question was put, once again, to Sony Ericsson’s gaming boss, Peter Ahnegard, who told…
Sony expands its US product recycling programme
Sony has announced the expansion of a US recycling scheme for users of its products. Starting in mid-September, the company will partner with Waste Management Inc, a trash-hauler company, thus expanding the number of recycling drop-off centres available to 75….
Shiny Preview: Sony Ericsson W910i, soon to be on 3
More 3 goodness, this time in the form of the Sony Ericsson W910i. It’s the latest of the Walkman branded phones, and this time, comes with Wii-like fun in the form of ShakeIt. Have a look at the vid for more deets….
Shiny Video Review: Sony Ericsson P1i
Alex is duly impressed with the main features of the Sony Ericsson P1i. Less bowled over by the icing-on-the-cake handwriting recognition and business card scanner but that’s not what you’d be getting the phone for… right? Let’s hope not…
Top five left-handed gadgets for Left Handed Day 2007!
Your whole life you’ve been ostracised for being a darn lefty, you’ve had troubles using implements such as knives and scissors every day of your life. Of course, you’re blessed with an extra-creative mind, but that’s small compensation when you can’t even open a tin of baked beans. Today you can rejoice in all your left-handed glory however, as not only is it the international Left Handed Day 2007, but we’ve put together a list of the top five gadgets for lefties, enjoy.
1.) Virgin’s Sony Ericsson LH-Z200 mobile phone – it’s about three years old, but you can still find them lurking on eBay, where they have a unique keypad layout perfect for lefties, with the number keys positioned from right to left. It was £119.99 when it came out three years ago, but would obviously be significantly less now…
Interview – Sony Ericsson: "Digital audio players won't exist in two years"
Okay, so a big mobile manufacturer saying that MP3 players will soon be toast isn't entirely surprising – they're keen to push their handsets' music capabilities after all. But Victor Fredell, Sony Ericsson's content acquisition manager for music, is still…
Most Wanted: Top 5 mobile phones coming later in 2007
It’s all about the upgrades, innit. Your mum might still be clinging on to the mobile phone she bought six years ago, but if you’re a proper geek like us, you’ll get itchy fingers when your phone’s approaching its first birthday.
Opinion: Why I DON'T want an iPhone
Jonathan Weinberg writes…
So, Apple’s “must-have” mobile phone has now finally launched. Well, I say launch. That’s obviously true if you’re reading this from America, but for the rest of us it’s tough luck. After all, it’s not as if anyone in Britain has ever put their hard-earned cash into Steve Jobs’ coffers.
2007 Tech Trends No. 5: Touchscreens
Fourth in a series of posts highlighting Tech Digest’s pick of big technology trends for the second half of 2007…
It may have escaped your notice, but there’s a new mobile handset called the iPhone coming out this Friday. I know, you’d think someone would have publicised it. One of the most intriguing elements of Apple’s handset is its tactile touch-screen interface, which goes further than merely dabbing at buttons with a stylus, and gets you using your fingers to swipe, slide and explore.