The Novus Mini Coyote – happily exploiting a legal grey area to give drivers real-time speed camera updates


The Novus Mini Coyote lets drivers radio in the location of hidden, newly-placed and mobile speed cameras, compiling a central database that will alert aggressive BMW drivers to when they need to slow down.

It isn’t illegal – but presumably soon will be. We can’t imagine THE LAW putting up with this sort of anti-social, rule-flouting behaviour for long. Here’s how Novus describes its all-seeing, all-warning anti-radar machine…

Wayfinder launches SpeedAlert: safety camera warning system for mobile phone


Wayfinder has announced the launch of its SpeedAlert speed detection tool, that will turn any mobile phone into a speed and safety camera detector.

The SpeedAlert software can be downloaded over-the-air to a mobile phone, with no need for a PC, and once running needs no further input from the driver.

It uses GPS to note the car’s position in relation to its database of over 17,000 safety camera locations, and can give visual and audible warnings of approaching traffic observation areas, including speed and red-light cameras.