Tag: spies
VoIP laying waste to spies' phonetapping strategies
The BBC’s Spooks TV drama isn’t realistic. There, I’ve said it. Why not? Well, you never see an investigation where the team sit around their computer lab weeping because a suspect’s using Skype rather than a fixed line or mobile phone.
US intelligence agencies need social networks too…
Last week we had the Facebook of porn, now we’ve got the Facebook of Spies, thanks to the US intelligence service launching its own in-house personal networking tool.
The new thing, called A-Space, is designed to help internal agencies…
Ten ways the government will spy on us using technology
Did you know that every time you walk down the high street, your movements are logged by 16 CCTV cameras? And the footage is transmitted directly to MI5 headquarters, to be tagged and analysed. By robots. This is the Big Brother nation we live in, etc etc.
But the government won’t stop there. For most of us, new technology is just a new way to listen to our music / manage our working lives / record every episode of M*A*S*H ever made to view on our watch. But for The Man, new technology offers a myriad of ways to spy on us. Here’s ten of the most nefarious.