2007 Tech Trends No. 7: Lifecasting


In 2006, YouTube became an internet sensation, as thousands of savvy users realised they could grasp their 15 minutes of fame online, armed only with a good idea and a digital camera / webcam / mobile phone. Sure, there’s loads of rubbish on YouTube, but there’s also some killer vids that wouldn’t have been allowed anywhere near a ‘professional’ TV studio.

Top five Simpsons gadgets, just in time for the movie!

I was in Paris last week, and on a late night drunken binge, we ventured into Quick, which was obviously the red light district’s premiere fast food joint. I knew the Simpsons film was vaguely around the corner, but their completely Homer-fied menu quickly (heh) knocked the proximity into me. So, in ode to the Simpsons-themed ‘Long Fish’ burger, and Simpsons-fries I don’t *actually* remember eating, here’s my list of the five best Simpsons gadgetry Bart would spend his pocket-money on. That last sentence was so meta my mind feels like a deep-fryer now, and speaking of which…

Opinion: Social networking sites bring people closer, but what happens when you break up?

katsmile.jpg Katherine Hannaford writes…

Several months into what my mother would deem a ‘casual courtship’ – you know, those brief days/weeks/months/years (oh, I pity you in that extremity), when the officiality of your lip-locking has as yet not been classified, he popped the question. “Would it be ok if I changed my relationship status on Facebook to ‘in a relationship’?”, he asked. I didn’t need to hesitate twice – after all, not only was [redacted] an amazing guy, but with a pitch like that, how could I refuse. Yes, it was the perfect way for one geek to ask a fellow geek if she’ll always be there on his couch to watch re-runs of X-Files and battle over Wario Ware and Rez…