A laptop Decepticons pine over, Haier's G70 Transformers notebook

haier-laptop-transformers.jpg As everyone should know by now (and if you don’t grrr, you’re letting Team Geek down), Transformers – THE MOVIE! – is coming out very shortly here in the UK, but those lucky yanks have had it since the 2nd. Well, at least we got Hot Fuzz first, right? Right?

Die-hards who can’t wait until the 27th for it to debut in British cinemas can snag this Transformers themed notebook from Haier. Sure, it may look like a simple ol’ decalled laptop, but roaring under the hood of the robot-in-disguise are specs even the Autobots would kill for. The G70 features a 1920 x 1200 17-inch screen, 2GB of RAM, 120GB Hard drive, runs on Intel’s PM965 chipset and has a whole bunch of other features I’m not going to pretend I understand…

Enertia, the electric motorcycle for commuters


The Enertia Electric Motorcycle won’t replace your Harley – but it might replace your car. Designed for commuters, the Enertia has a top speed of 80kph and a range of 70km per charge, and recharges in three hours, so you could likely even nip home for lunch if you liked. It’s a zero emissions vehicle, and while the batteries aren’t terrific right now, they’re modular enough that it’s possible to upgrade just that component to improve the overall function. Standard model is $12,000, and the limited edition carbon fiber model is $15,000. [GT]

Enertia Electric Motorcycle via Kneeslider

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US judges rule warrantless tracking of Internet use OK


This weekend, in a 3-0 ruling, California judges ruled that investigators may monitor URLs and email addresses visited by suspects without need for wiretap authorization. This does not entitle them to snoop the actual content of the pages or emails. Judges ruled that this was equivalent to “pen register” law already in place, which allowed investigators to monitor phone numbers called and addresses visited without actually being privy to the contents of any communication passed within. “[I]t does not find out the contents of the messages or the particular pages on the Web sites the person viewed,” said the ruling. The rationale was that since users already submit those addresses for use by their ISP, they have already forfeited expectation of privacy concerning them, same as if they’d written an address on an envelope and expected the Post Office to read it. [GT]

Judges OK warrantless monitoring of Web use / Privacy rules don’t apply to Internet messages, court says

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What punters can expect from the E3 expo this year

santamonicae3.jpg E3, the annual gaming expo held in Santa Monica, is being kicked off this week, and teh internets are rife with speculation. There’s been a few announcements already – namely that far from generous PS3 price cut – but what else can we expect from the gaming expo to end all gaming expos?

From our Sony PlayStation site, PSPSPS.tv
– July 11th will see the official SCEA E3 press conference (downloadable on the PlayStation Network), and will no doubt contain the new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer.
– Ninja Gaiden Sigma developer Tecmo has spoken to GameSpot over their dislike of the new E3 format…

A modded laptop to bash out your softcore romantic fantasies on

Boing Boing is quickly pioneering a name for itself in the steampunk/electronics mod department, to the point where I think they could quite possibly branch out and create a whole new blog for the basement-dwelling masses.

Their latest feature is of a laptop kitted out to resemble an old-fashioned portable typewriter, courtesy of writer Mary Robinette Kowal. Bet I know the kind of Mills ‘n Boons-y type of poetic ramblings she’ll be tapping out on this baby, just look at the thing! If only Catherine had possession of one of these mods, Heathcliffe would’ve been hers, sob…

Video Interview: Kat talks to Head of Marketing at Toshiba Europe, and David Hempleman-Adams

My second interview with English explorer David Hempleman-Adams sees him joined with Head of Marketing for Toshiba Europe, Manuel Linneg. High on Signal Hill, in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, we discussed the Portégé R500 notebook which Hemplamn-Adams carried with him on his world-record breaking transatlantic journey, and just how it would help him on the dangerous trip…