Tag: tech Digest
Shiny Video Review: O2 Cocoon mobile phone
Last night Susi from our pink-obsessed sister site, Shiny Shiny, was lucky enough to attend the O2 Wireless Festival in London, where she checked out The White Stripes and foolishly ignored Queens of the Stone Age. Anyone who’s seen them live will agree with me that was one foolish move!
Anyway, it wasn’t just a day of skiving for her, as she got to check out the new O2 Cocoon phone, which, if you stay tuned to Tech Digest this afternoon, you can see a review of shortly…
Student's 'Intimate Controllers' thesis involves playing Pong with your boobs
For those that think gaming involves sitting alone on a couch, twiddling your thumbs, think again.
Recently a New York University student, Jennifer Chowdhury, created her thesis ‘Intimate Controllers’ on the subject of intimate controlling devices, where she invented a form of playing Pong with her boobs whilst her partner played with his bottom. Gaming beginning to sound fun, yet?
According to Wired, she embedded a set of sensors in her bra which controlled the actions of the game, so when her partner touched her left boob, the Pong paddle moved to the left, and the right boob would control the right paddle etc…
Daily Tech Hotlinks for 15-June-2007: eBay, CNet, Safari for Windows, Microsoft, Sony, 1up
– eBay has been involved in a legal battle over the ‘Buy It Now’ button for six years now, and in the latest court proceedings, the judge has delayed his ruling, no doubt busy buying up on McDonalds meals toys on eBay instead.
– Andrew Lim from CNet.co.uk is a very brave soul indeed, as he recently embarked on an 8-step technology detox, going several weeks without any forms of technology. Gasp! Horror of horrors – I honestly don’t think I could survive.
– Safari for Windows may’ve only been released on Tuesday, but already Apple has released an update, including ‘correction for a command injection vulnerability, corrected with additional processing and validation of URLs that could otherwise lead to an unexpected termination of the browser;…
Easy-Glider: your chariot awaits
Looking a bit like a slimmed-down Segway that joined a Swiss Army gang, the Easy Glider is the 21st century answer to the horseless chariot. You can travel via the little trailer on the back or, if you’re a lazy inline skater, you can use it to pull you around like a robotic sled dog. The Easy-Glider just won the top award at ispo Sport & Style 2007. [GT]
Easy-Glider (via Core77)
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USB EarScope shows you what's inside your ear, seriously
OK, Thanko, let’s get serious here. A Butt Cooler is strange enough, but a USB device that lets you look in your ear and then view the result on your computer? Yes, this might be a helpful tool for a doctor to see if you had an ear infection, but for home use, what good would it do you to study your own ear canal? (No, seriously, answers on a 3×5 card, please.) [GT]
USB EarScope (via Everything USB )
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Electronic Rock Paper Scissors
You are being held hostage by terrorists. The lead terrorist says you can go free if you beat him at “Rock Paper Scissors”, but your fingers have been broken. Whatever can you do? If you had the foresight to shop at Prank Place for an Electronic Rock Paper Scissors you can just whip yours out, press the button (with your nose, or maybe your cat can do it), the game will randomly display one of four pre-set patterns and the day is saved. Maybe. Seriously, when even the people selling the product call it “probably the lamest electronic game ever developed”, it’s probably the lamest electronic game ever developed. $8.89 for a pair (because having only one would be even more lame). [GT]
Electronic Rock Paper Scissors [via Nerd Approved]
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Archos unveils three Generation 5 PMPs which play YouTube videos
Archos has unveiled its new line of personal media players, dubbed Generation 5. It includes three new PMPs, the 405, 605 and 705, which for the first time will support Flash-based video from YouTube and other online video-sharing sites.
New Kodak sensor to eliminate flash?
Instead of inventing new stuff, Kodak’s decided to look at patents they already own, and they pulled out a doozy: a process to make camera sensors more sensitive so flashes may no longer be needed. Where current sensors are 2 parts green pixels to 1 part blue and 1 part red, the new process uses “clear” pixels to overall increase the sensitivity of pickup on light hitting the sensor. The first place the new tech is likely to turn up? Camphones, in 2008. [GT]
Kodak says camera sensor may eliminate flash [via Sci Fi Tech]
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Baby monitor picks up video from NASA
An elementary school science teacher from Palatine, Ill. is picking up something odd on her baby monitor. Since Sunday, one of the two channels on Natalie Meilinger’s baby monitor has been picking up black-and-white video from inside the space shuttle Atlantis. The other still lets her keep an eye on her baby. NASA has said that the feed is not coming from the shuttle directly, so it is possible the monitor is picking up the signal from somewhere. Maybe it’s her teeth. [GT]
Baby monitor picks up video from NASA [via Boing Boing]
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FBI tries to fight zombie hordes, but not the good kind
Despite the rather alarming headline from the BBC, there is not some kind of 28 Days Later epidemic going on in the North American Midwest. What the FBI is actually doing is contacting more than one million PC owners who have had their computers hijacked by cyber criminals. These hijacked home computers, known as “zombies”, are then used to spread spam, steal IDs and attack websites. Also, they eat brains, which is why people are so dumb about security, meaning it’s hard to say how much success Operation Bot Roast is going to have. [GT]
FBI tries to fight zombie hordes
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