Tag: tech Digest
Money Programme is first BBC show to broadcast in Second Life
There’s nothing like booting up your computer, logging into the internet, logging into a cartoon version of yourself, having your cartoon self go to a cartoon movie theatre, and watching a real television program. That’s progress! So saith the BBC, which has announced the Money Programme will be the first BBC show broadcast in Second Life. To participate, go to the Rivers Run Red Cinema in Second Life (coordinates Rivers Run Red 200, 123, 45) at 7pm, 8pm and 9pm on 1 June. [GT]
Money Programme is first BBC show to broadcast in Second Life
American fined for poaching wi-fi; could face 5 years' jail time
In Sparta, Michigan, it's a felony to use someone's wireless network without their knowledge, no matter how temptingly wide open it might be. So discovered Sam Peterson II, who used to piggyback on the network at the Re-Union Street…
Redesign brings petrol engines into 21st century
Much like how power supplies take in huge amounts of electricity and then wastefully lathe them into the small voltages actually needed, car engines have inefficiencies innate to their design which cost you every day at the petrol pump. However, a new petrol engine design from Purdue University streamlines and eliminates mechanisms between pistons and valves, allowing the valves to, via a process called variable valve actuation, be fine-tuned to vastly improve how efficiently petrol is combusted. The second part of the redesign is called homogeneous charge compression ignition, which is also exciting and technical and the upshot is it’ll let us get a lot more bang (quiet, elegant, low-emission, fuel-efficient bang) out of the fossil fuels we’ve got left. The petrol engine hasn’t changed much since its initial creation, so it’s about time it, like the incandescent bulb, got a high-tech makeover. [GT]
Radical engine redesign would reduce pollution, oil consumption
Oh to be Korean: Fohenz Aqua 2.1 PC speakers look dishy
Oh noes! I’m really disappointed these 2.1 speakers are only available in Korea…perhaps if I mention the company and product name (Fohenz, Aqua) enough times a little ping! will go off on the desktop of some bigwig at Fohenz, they’ll see the urgent demand….
Microsoft collaborates with, uh, Microsoft, to release Halo Zune MP3-player
Microsoft likes to keep things in the family (not suggesting anything there folks) hence the release of this Halo-themed Zune. The big ‘Soft actually owns Halo, and with one of the best PR firms working for them, they’ve joined two of their departments together to give us this MP3-player just in time…
Video interview with Dave Wittenberg about anime Naruto film
On Monday Virgin Megastores on Oxford Street held a big manga event to celebrate the release of the anime film Naruto. Several Japanese bands performed, dozens of people dressed up in their finest cos-play garb, and supremo voice-actor and all-round anime superstar Dave Wittenberg…
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to conduct joint-interview next week
It’s ever so humid up here in Shiny Towers, and in between alternating between draping ourselves over the rotating fans and nipping down the road for iced teas, we’ve been reading about how Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft will be conducting a 75-minute joint interview next Wednesday the 30th with various ‘tech executives’ at the annual ‘D – All Things Digital’ conference in California. Yikes. It’s obvious…
Shiny Video Review: Reallusion Crazy Talk 4 Image Manipulation Software
Alex distorts herself in the name of software testing when she attempts to turn a still image into a video…
Automatic Electronic Pet Feeder with Voice Recorder
Take your basic pet bowl, then set it so that it can open at 8, 12, or 24 hour intervals, so that your pet can be fed while you’re away. Then you can record a voice message so that your pet knows it’s time to come eat. That’s the idea, anyway. I can’t help but think the cat will hack it so it can eat all the food while the dog’s clearing away all your surplus newspapers. $39.95. [GT]
Product Page [via Giz modo]
More pet stuff
DailyLit gives you the world of the mind in bite-sized chunks
No, DailyLit is not encouraging you to become a zombie, stalking the streets. It’s emailing you controlled doses of the great (read, so to speak, big) books of literature, the kind that are so unwieldy that the very sight makes you want to use them to press flowers so you have an excuse to never disturb their leaves again. Various services have tried this in the past (and DailyLit itself is not exactly new) but screens have improved enough now that the idea of reading for pleasure on one is increasingly attractive. Feed your head something more than ephemera, give it timeless beauty. (Then come back for more blog posts.) [GT]
DailyLit [via OhGizmo]