Tag: tech Digest
iSave water saving faucets
Guoqun Yu’s iSave faucet concept is a plumbing attachment that provides up-to-the-second reports on how many liters have been sprayed in the shower. It is powered by water (naturally) and can be installed in the shower or the sink. Yes, it does make you feel guilty, but is that so wrong? Don’t you feel bad about not wanting to be made to feel bad about wasting water? As guilt-tripping devices go, though, it’s pretty stylish. [GT]
iSave [via inhabitant
Tamanoi robot talks vinegar, yo
Buildup Co's new robot has 24 points of articulation, a mouth that moves in sync with its voice and a fiber-reinforced plastic outer shell. And the purpose of this robot? To talk about vinegar. The robot will entertain guests…
FanSee digital temperature display fan
A spiffy iteration of the “persistence of vision” lighting effect can be seen in the FanSee, an oscillating fan which also displays the temperature across its blades via red LEDs. So when it’s 4am and the air conditioning is conked out, you can know exactly what disgusting temperature the 6″ fan is trying to cope with. [GT]
FanSee [via Gizmodo]
Wall of Pong
Why Pong at home when you can Pong anywhere you can zap a laser at a flat surface? Students at Cornell have created laser Pong, where the "ball" is a laser-projected dot and the paddles are motion sensitive with…
Input device for disabled from Actbrise
What you are looking at is not a beer hat, despite the resemblance. It’s actually an input device for the disabled from Actbrise. Turning the head moves the cursor and blowing on the tube works as a mouse click. (Exhaling is a left click, inhaling is a right click.) No word on what happens when you sneeze. [GT]
Actbrise [via Plastic Bamboo
Shiny Video Review: Samsung F300 Phone
Ashley and Susi talk Samsung and marvel at the size of the…. user guide.
Shiny Video Review: Sagem my411x Phone
Alex is disappointed by the Sagem my411x, despite its video capability, media player and super-slim looks.
Paypass wristwatch from Garanti Bank
Turkey’s Garanti Bank has teamed up with MasterCard to offer the world’s first watch with a PayPass-enabled credit card built in. Burger King, Starbucks and over 600 other merchant locations in Turkey have signed onto the program which means that customers can pay for items under 15 euros by simply tapping their watches on a special sensor. That means no more fumbling for non-chic things like money or credit cards – in Turkey, at least. [GT]
Garanti Bank Paypass-enabled credit card [via Popgadget]
Breath powered USB charger
Why plug your USB devices into your computer to charge them when you can save that electricity and use your own hot air? Just follow the instructions at Instructables and you too can strap a motor to your chest which should get you some very interesting looks at security checkpoints. As the inventor says, building this requires a wide range of maker skills, so simply being able to breathe may not be enough of a qualification. [GT]