Tag: tech Digest
LawnBott even puts itself away after the mow
With the proliferation of lawn-mowing robots, why should you even leave your house? Sit inside, tell the (for example) LawnBott to go out and manicure your green for you, and it even puts itself away after its done clipping….
Shiny Video Review: Canon Ixus 70
Susi reviews the new Canon Ixus – the slimmest in the Canon range but a giant among really compact cams.
Shiny Video Review: i-mate Momento 100 WiFi Digital Photo Frame
Shiny Shiny's Alex makes her Video Review debut poking around this clever photo-streaming frame with Susi there to hold her hand
Video review: iStation Traveller Speakers
Susi hails the summer with these handy travel speakers.
Shiny Video Review: Playaway Audiobook
Susi excitedly introduces Katie to the wonders of a device that does one thing and one thing only. Playaway Audiobooks…
Sinking clock freezes at 3/4 (of) time
Whether you want a sleeker version of Dali’s melted clocks or just to represent your loathing of alarms, the Sinking Clock is sure to make you look at time differently. This striking revisit of the usual black-and-red LED timepiece comes from Normal Design, reiterating some old saw about normalcy being even more relative than time is. [GT]
Shiny Video Review: SanDisk Docking Station
Susi and Ashley debate the merits of SanDisk and this handy docking station for Shiny Shiny and Tech Digest.
Android Geminoid 'breathes' and has 'real hair'
Geminoid is an android that breathes, using compressed air, and responds to physical contact such as being poked. He’s been created as a robot double, to allow his human counterpart, Japanese scientist Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro (shown), to (for example) give remote presentations or lectures. Video after the jump, and more video from the BBC below. [GT]
Plasma Lift lets you hide your love away
Shows like How Not to Decorate constantly bemoan the way the telly takes centre stage in parlours, and embed them in giant armoires that require you to get up and open the cupboard doors before you can use your remote. Now the armoire itself has a remote, with the Auton Motorized Systems Plasma Lift. Your entire plasma screen fits nicely in as pretty a box as you like, and you just jam a button with your grimy thumb every time you want living colour to spice up your space. No price given, but you can request a quote. [GT]
Med e-Monitor Device updates the pillbox
The Med-eMonitor™ System "reminds, educates, monitors and reports" on up to 25 prescriptions, which is probably even enough for me. It is a state-of-the-art pillbox, with a web-based interface and updatable firmware. The idea of the Med-eMonitor is to…