Loganberry Books: stump the bookseller!


Trying to remember a book you read as a child? Try Stump the Bookseller at Loganberry Books. For a quid you can post a description of the book cover, plot, characters, or any other details you think will finally allow you to get on with your life without that nagging sense of incompleteness. There are also extensive archives you can browse to try to escape your past for free. [GT]

Stump the Bookseller

MySpace News is no Digg-killer

myspace-news-front.jpgMySpace has just put its new MySpace News service live, so I’ve been playing around with it. The service has been billed as a Digg-killer, but it’s not really – at least, not in its current form. It’s a news-aggregation service with user voting, but with an extra layer of moderation in between the original news sources, and what gets onto the site itself.

10 Music 2.0 services that'll change your listening habits forever

m20-myspace.jpgLet’s get one thing straight. The internet isn’t killing music, any more than home taping did back in the 1980s. Yes, CD sales are on the slide. Yes, people are still using peer-to-peer download services to trouser free music, despite the threat of legal action from the music industry. And yes, it’s possible that a whole generation of teenagers now believe music isn’t something you pay for.