Tag: Tor
The Digest: Zuckerberg’s resolutions… and 3 other things people are talking about today
[nextpage title="Next"] Mark Zuckerberg asks Facebook users to suggest his personal challenge for 2015 | The Guardian "Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg sets himself a personal challenge every year, from wearing a tie every day in 2009 and learning to speak Mandarin in 2010 to only eating meat in 2011 if he killed the animal…
The Digest: Samaritans app flags worrying tweets… and 5 other things people are talking about today
[nextpage title="Next"] Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds for suicide warnings | The BBC "Samaritans Radar uses an algorithm to identify key words and phrases which indicate distress. They include 'tired of being alone', 'hate myself', 'depressed', 'help me' and 'need someone to talk to'. Users who have signed up for the scheme will receive an…