Petrol-powered Snowboard is snow joke


Okay, in reality this bears as much resemblance to a regular snowboard as a petrol-powered, three seater lawnmower with cupholders does to a hand-pushed traditional lawnmower, but bright yellow paintwork aside, doesn’t it look awesome?

It’s got a 6.5 horsepower engine, and can carry up to 250lbs as fast as 18mph. That might not sound fast if you’re used to cars, but when you’re whizzing along millimetres from the snow, it feels a damn sight faster than is comfortable. You steer by – *gulp* – leaning to one side, and it’ll run for two hours on three quarters of a gallon of petrol. The cost? A slick US$2,000. At that price, I’ll stick to my skis.

Hammacher Schlemmer (via OhGizmo!)

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a dick on some skates.


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Vertipod – the flying Segway (OF DEATH)

vertipod.jpgFancy dying in a unique and novel way that will secure your immortality via a report on the local news?

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VentureOne three-wheeler hybrid car available in 2009

Hybrid cars are getting a huge look-in at the moment on Tech Digest, and with environmentalism becoming bigger and more important in technology with every passing year, expect to see more of them.

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Hey, morons! The Wave Street Surfboard has your name written all over it!

street-surfboard.pngImagine seeing someone using this on the street. Imagine laughing at them, as they hurtle downhill on something akin to a surfboard. Imagine running over to their limp, lifeless body after they crash head-on into a tree, and facing the conundrum of whether you should call an ambulance or not – after all, you reason, what were they expecting, the morons?

The Wave Street Surfboard is intended for fun times, indeed! It allows you to experience the feeling of…