Tag: US president
Barack Obama employs Twitter CEO as advisor
The UK government may be floundering as how best to approach the micro-blogging craze Twitter after its recent controversial involvement in a series of high-profile super-injunctions, but US President Barack Obama is approaching the service in a far more pragmatic…
TOP 10 TUESDAY: Barack Obama novelty gadgets
Come on. How was I going to let today's Top 10 Tuesday pass without theming it President Elect Barack Obama style? Now, I was considering a top 10 ways of how to follow it all but I've a feeling it'd be damn near impossible to avoid it. So, instead I've gone straight to the point and to the most important part of the ceremony, the part where the real difference is made – the merchandising.
Yes, what better way to celebrate the spirit of capitalism in the land of the free than by bringing you the Top 10 Barack Obama Novelty Gadgets…