Tag: video
VIDEO: Circulafloor – intelligent floor for virtual reality use
Circulafloor is a set of four tiles that can intelligently position themselves so that you never fall off, but remain in one place. It’s an interesting idea, and not one that hasn’t come up before, though this one seems to have a long way to go before it’s ready for production.
Looks like you’ve got to walk really rather slowly for starters, and I wouldn’t trust it if I saw the thing first. You never know, though, if this ends up a little more practical, with more tiles, it could be a winner.
(via Dvice)
Microsoft shows off in-development video version of Photosynth
We’ve already been awed by Microsoft’s Photosynth technology but now, rather impressively, the company has managed to extend the functionality to video. It’s not available to the public yet, but in the video above you can see Microsoft demonstrating the functionality to Techcrunch.
It uses services like Qik, which stream live video from mobile devices, to switch together multiple video streams of the same thing into one big picture. The obvious example is something like a festival or concert, where hundreds of people might be eagerly filming the same thing.
Given how long it took for Microsoft to release Photosynth, though, it might be a wee while before you and I are allowed onto the service ourselves. In the meantime, we’ll have to stick with the still-life version, available here.
SHINY VIDEO PREVIEW: Philips Ariaz and Opus GoGear
Lucky old Zara's in Lisbon. Am I jealous? Yes, I'm jealous, but it's not the jet-setting, room service and warm weather that I'm annoyed about missing out on…well, sort of…it's that she gets to play with all the new toys.
The latest transmission she's beamed back to Shiny HQ is a little look at two new MP3 players from Philips with stereo Bluetooth, QVGA screens, noise cancelling…
Toshiba TG01 product demo video surfaces
If Dan’s demonstration video wasn’t quite enough for you, and you can’t get enough of the hot TG01 action, then Toshiba’s put together a video for you. They clearly show off the innovative UI and gesture controls. Enough chat. Here it is:
(via Akihabaranews)
Shiny Video Reivew: iMu Vibrating Speaker
Yes, it looks like a stunted dildo. But this isn’t a dildo. It’s the previously reported-upon iMu “Singing Table” that’ll turn any surface you place it on into a speaker. Awesome, right? Shame it costs £50.
I know! £50! I couldn’t believe it either. Seriously, what are you going to use this thing for? Especially as it plugs in to mains power. If you can think of a situation where this would be a lifesaver, and a cheap pair of travel speakers wouldn’t, then let us know in the comments.
UK set to overtake Japan as the CENTRE of the gaming UNIVERSE this year
Poor old Japan is about to fall behind the UK in the global video game charts, with us lot finally spending more of our remaining cash on gaming than the Japanese – making the UK second only to the USA in how much cash we blow on various Halos and Mario Karts.
Figures released by UK sales-counter Chart-Track show that for the first five weeks of 2009 sales of games were up 37% in the UK, as kids spent their Christmas money on novelty Wii games like never before…
Gaming as Art – Tag: The Power of Paint
Click play on the video above. You’re watching a walkthrough of an innovative indie game called Tag: The Power of Paint, developed by a group of students from the DigiPen Institute of Technology.
It’s a first-person platformer where you spray your surroundings with different coloured paint to progress. Green paint makes you jump, red paint makes you go faster, and blue paint allows you to climb walls. It’s all cel-shaded, and looks like a wonderful cross between Mirror’s Edge and The Unfinished Swan.
It’s a free 55MB download from here (via Game:Life).
More Games/Art crossover: Counterstrike map based on Van Gogh painting | The Unfinished Swan
SHINY REVIEW: Sanyo Xacti HD2000 – 1080p and a 8.1-megapixel CMOS sensor
A very impressive piece of kit is the Sanyo Xacti HD200 camcorder complete with its 1080p video recording 8.1-megapixel CMOS sensor. A little pricey at…
Five best snow gadgets
Continuing the chilly theme around Tech Digest Towers today, you’re probably wondering “how on earth can I make the perfect snowball?”, or “how can I make a brilliant home-made snowball cannon?”. Well, fear not, We’ve got you covered.
For our top five snow-related gadgets, just click through to the main post.
Related posts: TD Tips: Winter Gadgets | Winter: the survival-horror Wii title that was canned for not being a kid’s game
Mozilla and Wikimedia Foundation throw their weight behind open source web video
Pay attention, because this one’s important. Web video has issues. It has issues because it’s closed, and proprietary. The vast majority of web video is delivered in the Flash format, which owned by Adobe. This means that video sites have to suffer restrictions and pay license fees. Wouldn’t it be better if there was an open source version?
Enter Theora. It’s an open-source video codec which, when combined with the Vorbis audio codec and the .OGG file format, could replace Flash as the dominant form for web video.