YouTube trials speech-to-text function, making videos more searchable


YouTube has developed technology to automatically transcribe speech from a video’s audio track, and then embed that text into the video.

The process has been tested on speeches by John McCain and Barack Obama, and allows users to search for key words (such as “Iraq” or “free trade”) which will then bring up the exact position in each video where that phrase is spoken. The transcript is then available in the timeline underneath the video…

DIY VHS USB hub: fun, nostalgic project, apparently


Given that you can pick up a four port USB hub for about five quid these days, there’s no economic value in converting an old VHS cassette tape into one (particularly as you need to buy a USB hub to make it work anyway, but for sheer nostalgia, and for the dream of clogging up your desk with a great big hub rather than a tiny one, this project could be for you.

Mention “hot glue” and “soldering equipment” and I’m running — at least for a small project like this — but if it’s your thing, head over to the Instrucables web site and give it a go…

Sony DVDirect DVD Burner – for PC-free burning of your blurry home videos

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The Sony DVDirect DVD Burner is a tool for enthusiasts. It’s something your dad would buy out of a catalogue. It has the appearance of being a labour-saving device, without really making much of a difference.

It connects via USB to your camcorder – or you can pop the memory card into one of its holes. From there, you can dump everything onto a dual-layer DVD, complete with auto-generated DVD menu screens…

Shiny Video Review: Guitar Hero Rocker

Guitar Hero for the Xbox 360, Wii or PS3 is pretty expensive, particularly if you want a second guitar peripheral to battle it out with your mates. If you’re looking for something similar, but under £30, don’t look further than the Guitar Hero Rock, at IWOOT.

Costing £29.99, it’s a belt that lets you strum your air guitar silly to popular riffs such as Iron Man, Smoke on the Water and Ace of Spades….

YouTube Hits: documentary about Tumblr and the 'idiots' who use it

tumblr. – The Documentary from DaveAOK on Vimeo.
Tumblr, for those not in the know, is a micro-blogging platform where you ‘reblog’ things of interest you see around the internet. It’s a fantastic service, although I must admit mine has been rather neglected of late.

This ‘documentary’ is a hilarious look at the site, and the type of people who inhabit it – ‘idiots and arseholes’, apparently. It’s worth a quick look if only for the chuckles you’ll get with the introduction, done in a ‘Look Around You‘ stylee…