Tag: Virgin Media
Tech Digest Pick of the Week: 30 technology stories you should read
It’s been another busy week in the world of technology, with new phones, HDTV developments, and all manner of Web 2.0 malarkey. The stories below are my pick of the most important (ok, and occasionally the most silly) stuff we’ve covered this week.
Today on Tech Digest: Robot World Cup, Mahalo's Jason Calacanis, iTunes meets Bebo, and more…
THE BIG THREE Tech Digest's Robot World Cup: Round 1 NMK 2007: Jason Calacanis' Mahalo Greenhouse will pay YOU for writing search results Apple to sell iTunes music downloads through Bebo THE NEXT FIFTEEN NMK Forum 2007 – liveblogging from…
Today on Tech Digest: TVonics Freeview recorder, Virgin Media sports news, Ask.com revamp and more…
THE BIG THREE Video review: TVonics DVR-250 Freeview recorder Virgin Media close to inking deal for sports news channel Review: Ask.com's revamped Ask3D search engine THE NEXT FIFTEEN Creative's miniature Zen Stone player now available in the UK Are dancing…
Virgin Media close to inking deal for sports news channel
The whole mess that is Virgin Media versus Sky is still rumbling on, but at least there could be some good news for Virgin Media’s sports fans.
It’s being reported that Virgin Media are likely to sign a deal in the next few weeks that will create a new sports news channel. The most likely partner is Setanta Sports, though this hasn’t been confirmed.
New study suggests digital gadgets are going to waste
A new survey of 1,000 adults by Virgin Media suggests that more is being spent on digital gadgetry than on home improvements.
Three-quarters of those surveyed said that they had spent over ten grand on electronic equipment in the past year — seven times more than on their homes.
However, one in twenty people are letting these devices go to waste, because they don’t know how to set them up. That apparently includes the likes of plasma TVs (how hard can it be?).
Virgin Media and Sky cut "Plus" service charges
Virgin Media has announced that it is to cut the monthly subscription price it charges for its V+ digital PVR service.
The announcement follows the week after Sky announced that it would be dropping the monthly subscription free for its Sky+ service, for any customer already have a monthly satellite TV package.
Virgin to introduce broadband "speed cap" for heavy downloaders
Virgin Media has confirmed that it will introduce a range of speed capping measures for those who download large amounts from the Net during peak hours. Peak hours count as 4pm to midnight, and Virgin claim that only the top…
With six months to go, one in ten Glaswegians haven't heard of digital switchover
Surprising as it may be with the amount of press and TV coverage, one in ten Glaswegians haven't heard about the digital TV switchover, two-thirds said they weren't prepared for it, and 6% said they were refusing to get rid…
20Mbps broadband, huh? What is it good for?
Last week, Virgin Media announced plans to double the speed of its most expensive broadband service from 10Mbps to 20Mbps. Due to come into effect this May, it’ll be the fastest widely-available home internet connection in the UK.