Tag: virus
Top 3 FREE computer security tips from Kaspersky Lab's Costin Raiu
This week sees London's Earls Court play host to the InfoSec computer and mobile security conference, where all the major players from the anti-virus and back-up software developing fields come together to tout their wares. We caught up yesterday with…
Smartphone malware attacks on the rise throughout 2010
2010 saw a significant rise in the number of smartphone malware attacks, according to mobile security specialists AdaptiveMobile. Reported infections across all mobile platforms were up 33% over the previous year, with malware engineered to spite Android users rising four-fold….
NASA rocked by "Here you have" email virus
Remember the scene from Independence Day when hacker Jeff Goldblum defeats the intergalactic alien army by uploading a computer virus onto their mothership? Well, it looks like the aliens have finally struck back, as US space agency NASA have come…
Cash-guzzling Android SMS Trojan on the prowl
Security specialists Kapersky Labs have uncovered a new mobile phone virus that could potentially cost Android users a lot of money. The SMS Trojan is found disguised within an unnamed media player app. The questionable file, Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a, then sends out…
"OMG MOTHER WENT TO JAIL" scam hits Facebook
Facebook users beware! Yet another viral scam has hit the social network, aiming to snare all your personal details. The scam encourages users to "like" and share a post titled "OMG!! Guys, you have to see this: This mother…
British scientist becomes first human to become infected with a computer virus
Dr Mark Gasson, a cybernetics scientist at the University of Reading, has become the world's first human to become infected with a computer virus. Gasson has an RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip implanted into his wrist, and deliberately infected it with…
"iTunes" PC virus targets iPad owners
CORRECTED – 9.30, 27/04/10 PC-usingiPad owners have been targeted with a new virus. Disguised as an iTunes update that offers better "performance, newer features and security, the download is infact a malicious piece of malware designed to scoop up…
UK businesses at threat from "evolved" cyber criminal attacks
The CA Internet Security Business Unit have released their latest State of Internet security report, revealing that rogue or fake security software, major search engines, social networks and Web 2.0 threats were the most notable online security issues in 2009….
Virgin launch gadget help service
It can be mighty frustrating, settling down for a marathon internet-trawling session only to be bombarded with error messages to let you know that, as ever, your Wi-Fi connection has gone up the creek. The ever-industrious Richard Branson and his…
Second worm hits jailbroken iPhones
It would appear that worms are like busses; it is ages before you see one, then two come along nearly at once. It was a little over a week ago that we reported on the annoying-though-mostly-harmless Rick-rolling worm. It's now…