Buy the O'Reilly Web 2.0 Grail on eBay


No matter how many bleeding-edge zeitgeist-hugging startup ideas I come up with, nobody’s prepared to throw several million quid at me to make them a Google-sized success. If only there was some elixir of webbyness that I could drink to improve my chances of becoming a Web 2.0 millionaire… And lo! There is! Someone’s selling the ‘Web 2.0 Grail’ on eBay, which should be just the thing…

Clothe yourself silly with this web 2.0 social-networking t-shirt

We’ve seen plenty of geek t-shirts grace the virtual pages of Tech Digest before, but I don’t think none of them match the geek cred exuded by this web 2.0 effort. No, not even the flashing Wi-Fi reception top.

As your beady eyeballs can see, the shirt features a list of all the most popular social networking sites – all 79 of them. Wearers can use a marker pen to tick off all the sites they belong to, then…

Google wants to rival Facebook with "Maka-Maka"

google.pngWhat on earth is Maka-Maka?

It’s not, as I thought, the phonetic spelling of the noise Pac-Man makes when eating dots, and neither is it chanted by devout Paul McCartney fans (well, it might be I suppose).

In fact, it’s the working title of Google’s “we didn’t get a share of Facebook so we’ll do our own version” project, set to be officially announced sometime next week, but as with most things these days, leaked out early online.

Vote in the web 2.0 Houses of Parliament Hall of Shame election

Once you’ve read the previous feature about which of the three main political parties in the UK are the most web 2.0 savvy, cast the only vote that matters this year, in our web 2.0 Houses of Parliament Hall of Shame election.

If we’re not being called to vote in a snap Autumn general election, this is the next best thing. Give your two pence worth and tell us, who has made the least amount of effort online, and who should be given a place in our web 2.0 Houses of Parliament Hall of Shame.