Tag: wii
Wii may be a "fad", but it's got Mario and Sonic in the same game
Much debate this week around the future for Nintendo’s Wii, which is still riding on a wave of positive publicity, despite rumblings about the continued lack of consoles actually available to buy.
Wii music overload with Orb MyCasting and Wii Loop Machine
You’ll have heard plenty of hype about Nintendo Wii’s capabilities as a games machine, but a music device? Yet a couple of applications released in the last few days have focused on Wii’s musical potential.
Wii fights back as PS3 launches
It’s all about PlayStation 3 today, as far as news goes. Yet despite the big splash being made by the launch of Sony’s console, life hasn’t stopped for its next-gen rivals.
Nintendo Wii's key strengths and weaknesses in the console war with PS3 and Xbox 360
Analysts may already be predicting that Wii will outsell its next-gen console competitors, but the battle hasn’t even started yet here in Europe: PS3 launches later this month.
10 ways to rationalise pre-ordering a PS3
Is that the winds of changed opinions blowing? Actually, that last sentence sounds like an unholy mash-up of Bob Dylan and The Scorpions, which would be hellish. But the point is this: since last week’s GDC show in San Francisco, the buzz around Sony’s PlayStation 3 has taken a turn for the better.
35 reasons NOT to give up on the Nintendo Wii
After worrying reports that gamers are, well, bored of their Wiis, WiiWii has put together a list of 35 reasons to not junk Nintendo's little white console. They include a host of big games coming out later this year, as…
Wii's News Channel is "a missed opportunity"
Although Nintendo has been keen to portray Wii as a games machine first and foremost, the launch of an Web browser, plus weather and news channels is turning it into a connected media device. However, the News Channel gets the…
Sony says Nintendo Wii console is an impulse buy
Sony America tried to insult the Nintendo Wii's runaway success by calling it an 'impluse buy'. Sony spokesperson Dave Karraker said that the PS3 was far more powerful and should be considered as being in a different category from the…
Grr! Bill Gates comes out swinging for Xbox 360
Amid all the fuss around the Wii and PS3 launches, Xbox 360 has quietly continued to rack up sales in the background, boosted by new titles like Viva Pinata and Gears Of War. But Bill Gates chose a post-CES interview…