Tag: YouTube
Gangnam Style is now officially the most watched YouTube video ever
Love it or hate it, global pop wildcard superstar Psy has broken a world record with his mental Gangnam Style video. Now watched over 832.6 MILLION times, Gangnam Style has is now the most-watched YouTube video of all time. Psy…
Apple top CoolBrands coolest brands survey: What makes tech so hip?
Apple have topped the annual CoolBrands survey, which rates which brands are considered the most hip in the UK on a yearly basis. Compiled by a group of key cultural influencers, designers, journalists and musicians, and including celebrities such as…
Jan Terri and the 10 most unintentionally brilliant YouTube music videos ever
YouTube can be an amazing platform for musicians to showcase their tracks on. Love him or loathe him, Justin Bieber for instance used the video hosting site to find fame, going on to become a worldwide superstar at the…
Vimeo "Tip Jar" lets video creators monetise their work
Users of the Vimeo video hosting service can now monetise their clips thanks to a raft of new features being rolled out from today. Kicking off with the "Tip Jar", viewers will be able offer up some cash for a…
What if Spotify had been invented in the 1980s?
Well, forgoing the need for widespread high-speed broadband, advanced graphical user interfaces and any tunes other than A-Ha or the Beverly Hills Cop theme, it would have probably looked something a bit like this, command line inputs and all….
Be Don Draper: Mad Men is now an 8-bit Choose Your Own Adventure YouTube game
After far too long off our screens, Mad Men returns to TV this week, with Season 5 airing in the US on AMC Sunday 25th March and Sky Atlantic in the UK on Tuesday 27th March. To get you in…
YouTube competition prize lets you make a movie with Ridley Scott!
Man, the prize for the latest YouTube competition is SO good, I was in two minds as to whether or not to post about it so I'd stand a better chance of winning it myself! YouTube has today launched a…
From Nyan Cat to Masterchef: UK's 2011 most-watched YouTube clips revealed
As 2011 draws to a close, YouTube have revealed the UK's most watched clips on their video-sharing site. Animal clips, memes and funny celebrity videos rub shoulders with upcoming music stars in the list, showing the massive range of eccentric…
More entertainment apps hit the Xbox 360
A second wave of apps for the all-new Xbox 360 dashboard has launched today. Continuing with the entertainment-focus of the first batch, UK users now get access to blinkbox, YouTube, MSN and MUZU.TV, alongside the recently-added likes of iTV Player,…
YouTube pushes social to the fore with new re-design
YouTube have today revealed the biggest design change for the site in its history. The new-look YouTube splits hte homepage into three distinct areas, while pushing social features to the fore more than ever before. Mimicking in many ways the…